See more images of the finished quilt.

Single block images and descriptions from makers.

Monday, 19th July 2021

Another extension to another bloody lockdown. This is our fifth here in Naarm (Melbourne AU) and it is taking it’s toll. I don’t mean on me personally, even if true, but to the community at large. From last year until now, so many lockdowns, all around the world. It’s a collective experience unlike no other. All experiencing the same thing yet disconnected at the same time…

I’m frustrated. Beyond belief and I want to channel this frustration into something creative. It’s better than doing nothing! So considering many in my extended community are quilters, I thought why not make a community quilt. It will provide a space where our work can be together to represent the time in which we physically couldn’t. A crafty social commentary on living life as we are.

Introducing The Blockdown Quilt: A Community Craft Project


I need your help

I can’t make a community quilt without a community!

So, if you would like to be a part of The Blockdown Quilt, here is what you need to know to participate…


Each block will be photographed for an online gallery, which will be displayed here, before I stitch the blocks together to form a quilt top. I will outsource the quilting to a long arm quilter. I am hopeful that all finishing (batting, backing, quilting and binding) will be donated. If not, I will happily donate them myself.

Once completed, where will it go? Well, I haven’t quite worked that out yet but whether it is displayed somewhere to be viewed by the many or donated/raffled for a good cause, my hope is we will work it out together. We, the participants.
We will find the right home for The Blockdown Quilt.

So far we have over 30 participants from all over the globe and always accepting more.

Would you like to be a part of The Blockdown Quilt?

xx Lu

Submissions closed.